To create a comic series based on real scientists, engineers, artists, researchers and world changers to inspire youth.
Cosmic Commander is the team lead and is based on Dr. Swati Mohan
The Ideal is based on Dr. Aidyl Gonzalez-Serricchio.
Gravitonium is based on Dr. Ron Gamble
H4x is our cyber security expert and is based on Rosa Smothers.
Jonathan Bourgh is our Villian and if you are a Star Trek fan, the last name might sound familiar.
Grace Nichelle is named after the woman who inspired our team: Nichelle Nichols. Her likeness is modeled after her sister Marian Smothers who is our mentor.
Our STEAM Superheroes work for our brilliant founder and CEO Grace Nichelle. She founded Nichelle NEXUS with the goal of training and working with the best minds on the planet to solve some of our biggest challenges. We look forward to sharing the stories of Grace Nichelle and her amazing team.
The STEAM Superheroes were inspired by watching Star Trek, reading comics and sci-fi. We will launch our first comic book at Awesome Con April 4th in DC. Until then, we will scour the universe and share comics that align with our mission statement of inspiring the next generation.
NASA created an amazing 44-page graphic comic that inspires and showcases that anyone can be an astronaut. It's free and can be downloaded at From the NASA website, "The comic is based on Callie as the first woman on the Moon. Callie and her robot sidekick, RT, overcome setbacks, disappointment, and tragedy along the way. From her childhood dreams of space travel to being selected as an astronaut candidate, Callie takes us on her journey to the Moon."
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”
- Yoda, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
NASA created an amazing comic series to explore careers in Astrobiology! Each comic focuses on a different aspect of astrobiology, has great storytelling and very informative. They also created a coloring book, and everything is online and available for free download. Please check it out at the link below.
Graphic Novels | Astrobiology (
Caroline S. Juang is a Ph.D. Candidate (she/her) at the Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. She also loves writing comics, and she was influenced by Dr. Swati Mohan, one of our board members. She created this comic after the Perseverance Rover mission to honor her. If you want to follow this amazing Ph.D. student, her Instagram is @catblip.